The Power of Positive Affirmations

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The Power of Position Affirmations

It is no surprise that people of many ethnic cultures and societies around the world practice positive affirmations on some level or another. They allow you to feel better about yourself and can assist in maintaining focus on the things you would like to achieve in life. Scientific research is in support of how positive affirmations can also produce chemical changes in the brain and thus result in tangible benefits for people who practice them daily. It makes sense considering how many successful people talk about the power of motivation and persistence in achieving goals. 

The thing is, sometimes we may be surrounded by people who focus on the negative things going on around them. They could be our peers, coworkers, partner(s), or even family. Sometimes they may not tell us uplifting things about ourselves. It is very easy for the mind to accept and dwell on the negative. An average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive thoughts (National Science Foundation). If we repeat those negative thoughts, we think negative way more than we think positive thoughts.

Where do I Start?

1.    Use an App: There are several apps that focus on positive affirmations, such as ThinkUp, Shine, Insight Timer or I am. Remember that you can also record yourself or a loved one saying positive affirmations and play them anytime. 

2.    Write Them Down: Writing out positive affirmations so they can act as visual aids is a way to make them part of a daily practice. If you’re writing your own, write in the present tense, as the affirmations should be about the present and future. A common practice is to write down affirmations on a sticky note and hanging them up on a mirror or other object that you use every morning.

3.    Listen to an Audiobook: Find an audiobook that is relaxing and easy to listen to. A favorite of mine is Louise Hay’s “100 Power Thoughts.” You could also listen to Deepak Chopra’s “The Secret of Love: Meditations for Attracting and Being in Love” and Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s “Meditations for Manifesting.” 

4.    Surround Your Living Space With Them: In your bedroom and/or living space, hang up positive affirmations wall décor. Or print out an inspiration quote or type it into a Word file and print. 

Don’t forget the most important part: 

Say them, don’t read them. Speak your affirmations out loud two to three times per day. Try and channel the emotions you claim in your affirmations.